PHMC program New Pathways Project recently received $1.5 million in funding from the PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) to expand recovery services. NPP addresses barriers to reducing or eliminating substance use, serving as a recovery community before, during and after treatment.

This recovery support services grant is directed toward programs that focus on non-clinical services, prioritizing life skills and resources necessary for ongoing success in recovery. New Pathways Project’s peer specialist model, in which people with lived experience lead recovery education and community outreach, is part of a growing recognition of the importance of non-clinical supports in addition to traditional treatment.

New Pathways Project is already a key partner for City departments and community organizations in the fight around addiction and opioid prevention, and funding from DDAP will mean enhanced support and capacity. The program will grow its peer specialist model, hire additional staff, develop more robust programming – especially in community outreach and workforce development – and build on community relationships in behavioral health and housing.

New Pathways Project provides case management and support groups on substance use recovery, work readiness, anger management, parenting and more. Its community partnerships enable “warm handoffs” to essential resources including for substance use treatment, primary care and mental health services.

Learn more about the DDAP funding here.