As the region’s Public Health Institute and leader in public health, PHMC is committed to the health and wellbeing of its employees through its worksite wellness initiative, PHMC Balance. Balance provides employees with information about leading healthy lifestyles at home and at work and offers diverse programming to encourage employees to take an active role in their physical and mental health.

Some of our employee engagement programming includes:

Summer Movie Series: Summer screenings and discussions on films that address health and wellbeing.

PHMC Walks: A walking club to promote physical activity during work hours, at any program or location.

Nutrition Counseling: Six free nutritional counseling sessions available through PHMC’s health insurance benefits.

Healthy Lifestyles Program: Offered through PHMC’s insurance provider, employees are encouraged to fill out a questionnaire to better understand their health. Depending on their health status, they can enroll in various programs to manage chronic disease, smoking cessation, fitness fee reimbursement etc.