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-The editorial staff of DIRECTIONS
PHMC’s Forensic Services component encompasses a group of programs designed to put substance users into treatment rather than prison. Programs ranging from DUI Treatment Court and Drug Treatment Court to Domestic Violence Court and Juvenile Treatment Court are helping hundreds of Philadelphians escape the prison cycle. DIRECTIONS sat down with vice president of forensic services Deborah Schlater and director of operations Amy Augustine to learn more about the programs.
Shawana Mitchell, Environmental Health & Safety Programs coordinator for PHMC affiliate National Nursing Centers Consortium, knew where to go when she learned that her 15-year-old niece was pregnant.
Announcements from PHMC.
National Nursing Centers Consortium will present its 8th annual conference, Nurse-Managed Health Centers: Disruptive Innovations for Comprehensive Caret.
Welcome to PHMC’s celebration of health centers! In honor of National Health Center week, August 9 to 15, this issue begins by focusing on the impact of PHMC’s network of five health centers that collectively serve communities from Northeast Philadelphia to Chester County, provide broad-based primary care, offer specialized services for Philadelphia’s homeless population and HIV/AIDS patients, co-locate with housing developments, and bring health care to people where they work.