For Immediate Release

December 2, 2008
Contact: Jamie Arehart (267-350-7699 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Fran Orodeckis (267-773-4352 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Linda Creed Announces Volunteer Recognition Awards

Annual Ceremony to be Held December 6 in Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA -Linda Creed, an affiliate of Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), will hold their annual Volunteer Recognition Awards this Saturday, December 6 at 11 a.m. The awards are given in recognition of individuals, corporations, and health organizations that have made a significant difference in the ability to provide access to basic breast health in the region.

The Linda Creed Volunteer of the Year Award will go to Gerard Olson, Ph.D., of Villanova University. "Dr. Olson is being recognized for his innovative teaching that applies classroom finance theory to a real nonprofit," said Donna Duncan, executive director of Linda Creed. For the last four years, Olson's finance students have studied and analyzed Linda Creed's financial outlook and have delivered real-world solutions. Duncan explains, "This partnership has provided Linda Creed with sound financial advice."

The Linda Creed Angel Award recognizes an individual or corporation that has made an outstanding contribution to women and the breast cancer community. This year, two corporations are being honored: Chestnut Hill Hospital Women's Center and Banfield, The Pet Hospital.

"Chestnut Hill Hospital Women's Center has a long association with Linda Creed. They have worked closely with us in providing breast health to women without insurance in innovative and cooperative ways, and leveraging our funding with other hospital funding that, in the end, benefitted women who may otherwise have gone without treatment," said Duncan.

Banfield, the Pet Hospital is being recognized for thinking beyond their mission and helping to provide health options to pet owners. "Banfield knows that healthy pet owners mean healthy and well-cared for pets," said Duncan. "As a Linda Creed corporate supporter they are being honored for joining forces with us for the betterment of women in the region."

Lisa Jablon, M.D., of Albert Einstein Medical Center is this year's winner of the Elaine M. Ominsky, Ph.D., Humanitarian Award. This award recognizes Dr. Jablon's willingness to act upon gaps in care for women with breast health issues. Dr. Jablon's Women In Need program provides low-cost biopsies for women with little or no medical insurance. Since its inception, Women In Need has served more than 1,700 women of all ages. The program is a valuable tool in Linda Creed's multi-faceted approach to providing breast health to the women in the region and admired by many breast health providers across the country.

The Gene Kaplan Volunteer Award winner is Philadelphian Karen E. Wheeler who is recognized for her dedicated service to Linda Creed through the Safe Circle Program. Wheeler has first-hand knowledge of breast cancer, having lost her only sister and sibling to the disease. Through her work with Safe Circle, she has been in the forefront of the African-American community, teaching about breast health and empowering women to take charge of their health.

Special recognition will also be given to Stephanie Forehand of Bangor, PA for her exemplary support of Linda Creed.

Linda Creed's Volunteer Recognition Awards will be presented on December 6 at the Crystal Tea Room at the Wanamaker Building, located at [100 Penn Square East] from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. In addition to the awards presentation, there will be a luncheon and fashion show. Tickets to attend the awards ceremony can be purchased by calling 215-564-3700. For more information, visit


About Linda Creed
Linda Creed, an affiliate of Public Health Management Corporation, was formed in 1987 to educate women about breast cancer's signs and symptoms. Today, in addition to education, Linda Creed carries out it mission by providing direct services in the form of free mammograms and diagnostic tests for women with little or no medical insurance, directed to services they do qualify for, and by offering financial assistance for women undergoing breast cancer treatment. As a national advocate, Linda Creed looks to the future by working with researchers, legislators, and policy makers in funding and shaping long term solutions to breast cancer.