In recognition of National Nutrition Month in March, Public Health Management Corporation released data that reveals many residents in Southeastern Pennsylvania may not receive adequate nutrition and access to fresh produce.

The Community Health Data Base 2010 Household Health Survey found that nearly half of adults in Southeastern Pennsylvania (1.4 million) eat fewer than three servings of fruits or vegetables each day, a problem that is more common among men (56.9%) than women (41.5%).

In addition, Community Health Data Base also found that access to healthy food might be related to socio-economic status and geography. Two-thirds of adults living below the Federal Poverty Line (66.5%) eat less than three servings of fruits and vegetables each day, compared with 46.4% of adults living above the Federal Poverty Line. Adults in Philadelphia (57.9%) are more likely than suburban adults (42.1%) to eat less than three servings of fruits or vegetables each day.

For more findings from the Household Health Survey, visit