Students from John Welsh Elementary School, a PHMC-managed Out-of-School-Time (OST) site, were featured on the February 11 broadcast of Good Morning America. The segment, “Obesity in America: One Community,” examined obesity and physical activity in Philadelphia and highlighted ways the North Philadelphia middle school students are adopting healthy eating habits in and out of school.  PHMC affiliate Health Promotion Council, in collaboration with The Food Trust, National Nursing Centers Consortium, University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Department of Public Health Office of Health and Opportunity, creates and implements policies and standards for nutrition and physical activity in OST after-school programs.


PHMC manages OST, which serves more than 20,000 children through its after-school provider network, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia. HPC is one of 41 sites nationwide selected by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities initiative to address childhood obesity.