PHMC and its affiliate programs support September’s recognition of National Recovery Month for those that continue to thrive in their recovery, and the ongoing work that takes place each and every day to better serve those impacted by the opioid epidemic.

Some of the great work currently underway at PHMC and affiliate programs:

PHMC health network has developed the PHMC Center of Excellence (COE), a model of coordinated care that uses a Community Based Care Management (CBCM) team of social workers and care managers to help individuals with opioid use disorders (OUD) access a variety of services to support them at all points across the recovery continuum.

PHMC’s Research & Evaluation Group is working to study the effectiveness of the B-CARES “warm handoff” program (Bucks County Connect Assess Refer Engage Support) to connect individuals to community treatment resources. Read more.

PHMC Forensic Services offers the Forensic Intensive Recovery Program (FIR), a prison deferral initiative that offers substance use treatment to eligible criminal offenders in lieu of incarceration. Forensic Services has also purchased more than 3,200 Naloxone kits (i.e. Narcan, opioid reversal drug) in collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services and is working to distribute them to criminal justice entities.

PHMC is a bronze sponsor for the Recovery Walk, hosted by PRO-ACT, to celebrate people in recovery and the work to end the stigma surrounding drug and alcohol addiction. Learn how you can get involved and join the walk team.

Read what PHMC experts have commented in news stories directly related to the opioid epidemic.

National Recovery Month is great reminder that 23 million adults are living in long-term recovery. PHMC is committed to providing services, education and awareness about mental health and substance use disorders, and celebrating those in recovery.